UCSD MGT 100 Week 02
A fancy way to say that consumers differ, e.g.
Product needs–usage intensity, frequency, context; loyalty
Demographics–often overrated as predictors of behavior
Psychographics–Orientation to Art, Status, Religion, Family, …
Differences often predict purchases, wtp, usage, satisfaction, retention, …
Segments: distinct customer groups with similar attributes within a segment, different attributes between segments
- Fundamental since the 1960s
- Numerous segmentation techniques exist; major recent improvements
- Customer Response Profiles embody segments
- B2B segments: customer needs, size, profitability, internal structure
Decision drivers: product attributes, extensions, bundling, packaging; advertising targeting, content, media; price discrimination, discounts; social media, loyalty programs, …
Segments should be Measurable in relation to firm objectives, Accessible, Substantial, Actionable
Business Econ majors who won’t like Marketing
Business Econ majors who will like Marketing
Non-technical majors (ISIB, Biz Psych, Comm, etc)
Data Science, Computer Science, other technical majors
Segments inform our course content for 2 objectives:
- Broad survey of analytics, customers and marketing topics
- Deep dive into demand estimation with pointers to further learning
In some markets– makeup, diapers, sports, shoes– demographics correlate strongly with behaviors
In most markets– smartphones, universities, software, cars– demographics correlate weakly with behaviors
Demographics don’t typically cause purchases, except when they predict real differences in customer needs
Why do we so often overrate demographics as predictors of behavior?
Data collection
Intake data from numerous disparate sources:
In-house, direct partners, data brokers, public data
Data unification or harmonization
Authenticate and de-duplicate rows and columns
Data comprehension
Generate inferences, test hypotheses, make predictions, estimate models
Covers descriptive, diagnostic & predictive analytics
Data activation
Prescriptive analytics: Use data to inform and automate marketing actions
Relatively new phenomenon:
Automated platforms for transacting & transmitting data
E.g., Snowflake Marketplace
More data types and sources
Easy subscriptions, automatic updates
Competitive marketplace may lower prices
Less data wrangling
Some caveats
Low barriers to entry
Most datasets are not audited or externally validated (for now)
Many buyers don't really know how to check data quality
These conditions can lead to a lemons/peaches market
Buyer beware: Always try before you buy
Suppose we
Train demand model \(M\) to predict mayonnaise sales …
… using information set \(X\) …
… & choose targeted discounts for each consumer to maximize firm profits
- Essentially 3rd-degree price discrimination
Separately, using different data, we nonparametrically estimate how each individual responds to price discounts
- This gives us ground-truth to assess each household's response to price discount
- But, the nonparametric estimate can't give counterfactual predictions; we need M for that
How do targeted coupon profits depend on \(M\) and \(X\)?
- We use model $M$ and $X$ to predict profits of offering a price discount to each individual household
- We use ground-truth to calculate household response, then calculate profits across all households
- We'll also compare to no-discount and always-discount strategies
For any price discount < contribution margin, giving a coupon to…
… our own brand-loyal customer directly reduces profit
… a marginal customer may increase profit
… another brand’s loyal customer does not change profit
So the demand model’s challenge is to correctly identify the marginal customers without accidentally identifying our own brand-loyal customer
- This research disregards the `post-promotion dip' for simplicity
Base Demographics:
Income, HHsize, Retired, Unemployed, SingleMom
Extra Demographics: Age, HighSchool, College, WhiteCollar, #Kids, Married, #Dogs, #Cats, Renter, #TVs
Purchase History: BrandPurchaseShares, BrandPurchaseCounts, DiscountShare, FeatureShare, DisplayShare, #BrandsPurchased, TotalSpending
Bayesian Logit models (3)
- Based on utility maximization in which consumers compare utility and price of each available product
- Includes Hierarchical and Pooled versions
Multinomial Logistic Regressions (2)
- Estimated via Lasso and Elastic Net
Neural Network (2)
- Including single-layer and deep NN
KNN (Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm) (1)
Random Forests (2)
- Including standard RF for bagging and XGBoost for boosting
To predict behavior, use past behavior
Economic theory can help demand models to perform well with limited behavioral data
ML performance depends critically on data quality. Predictions do not always outperform economic models
Statistical performance \(\ne\) economic performance
We’ll start estimating logit models soon
\[ \min \sum_{k=1}^K W(C_k)\]
\[ W(C_k)=\sqrt {\sum_{i \in I_k} \sum_{p} (x_{ip}-\bar{x}_{kp})^2}\]
where \(\bar{x}_{kp}\) is the average of \(\bar{x}_{ip}\) for all \(i \in I_k\), and the centroid is \(C_k=(\bar{x}_{k1}, ..., \bar{x}_{kP})\)
- $W$ is not globally concave, so we can't guarantee a global minimum
- Thus, we pick many starting points, and see which offers the lowest W
- Note: Some algos promise to find global minimum, but this is usually impossible without stringent criteria. Can be a 'tell'