UCSD MGT 100 Week 04
Useful theoretical concept that summarizes market response to price
- Why is it useful?
Often taught with perfect competition
- Typically assumes stable, competitive, frictionless markets w free entry, full information, no differentiation
- Model predicts zero LR economic profits
- Any evidence?
Also, taught with monopoly i.e. market power
- What is market power? How would we measure it?
Idealized demand curves are hard to estimate (why?)
Where do product attributes come in?
Many things can predict demand
- preferences, information, advertising, quality, match value, costs, complements, substitutes, competitor prices, entry, policy, taxes, retail distribution, nature of equilibrium, stockpiling, other consumer behaviors...
What do we need to estimate Demand?
Market research
- Typically, conjoint analysis, customer interviews or simulated purchase environments
Expert judgments, e.g. salesforce input
Cost-driven price adjustments
Demand modeling with archival data
Price experiments
- Typically, market tests, digital experiments, bandits, coupons or other targeted price promotions
Best practice: triangulation
Ideally, the best way to learn demand, because you create exogenous price variation; but…
Competitors & consumers can observe price variation
May change purchase timing, stockpiling or
reference prices
Competitors, distribution partners or suppliers may react
Hence, experimenting to learn demand may change future demand
Relatively inexpensive for large organizations
Depends on real consumer choices, i.e. revealed preferences
Enables counterfactual demand predictions at unobserved prices
Enables predictions of competitor pricing response
Evaluable after price changes or competitor price changes
Requires data, exogenous price variation, time, effort, training, commitment, trust, organizational buy-in
Always subject to untestable modeling assumptions
Requires the near future to resemble the recent past
- To be fair, all predictive analytic techniques require these 3
Evidence is scarce but supportive
- Informally, I know several people who maintain demand models in large orgs
- Formal evidence requires researchers and firm to collaboratively (a) estimate demand, (b) act on demand estimates, (c) observe how actions affect outcomes, & (d) report the results publicly. Hard to do & incentives conflict
- Demand modeling can also go badly, e.g. due to price endogeneity
Misra & Nair (2011) : B2B sales & salesforce compensation
Nair et al. (2017) : Casino loyalty rewards
Pathak and Shi (2021) : School choice
Dube and Misra (2023) : ZipRecruiter ad pricing
Let \(i\) index consumers, \(j=1,...,J\) products, and \(t\) index choice occasions
Assume each \(i\) gets indirect utility \(u_{ijt}\) from product \(j\) in market \(t\):
\[u_{ijt}=x_{jt}\beta-\alpha p_{jt}+\epsilon_{ijt}\]
\[Prob.\{u_{ijt}>u_{ikt}\forall{k\ne j}\}\equiv s_{jt}=\frac{e^{x_{jt}\beta-\alpha p_{jt}}}{\sum_{k=1}^J e^{x_{kt}\beta-\alpha p_{kt}}}\]
With \(N_t\) consumers, \(q_{jt}(\vec{x}; \vec{p})=N_t s_{jt}\). See Train 2009 sec 3.10 for proof
\[s_{jt}=\frac{e^{\gamma_{t}+x_{jt}\beta-\alpha p_{jt}}}{\sum_{k=1}^J e^{\gamma_{t}+x_{kt}\beta-\alpha p_{kt}}}\]
\[s_{jt}=\frac{e^{\gamma_{t}} e^{x_{jt}\beta-\alpha p_{jt}}}{e^{\gamma_{t}}\sum_{k=1}^J e^{x_{kt}\beta-\alpha p_{kt}}}\]
\[s_{jt}=\frac{e^{x_{jt}\beta-\alpha p_{jt}}}{\sum_{k=1}^J e^{x_{kt}\beta-\alpha p_{kt}}}\]
\[s_{1t}=\frac{1}{\sum_{k=1}^J e^{x_{kt}\beta-\alpha p_{kt}}}\]
\[ln(s_{jt})-ln(s_{1t})=x_{jt}\beta-\alpha p_{jt}\]
\[ln(s_{jt})-ln(s_{1t})=x_{jt}\beta-\alpha p_{jt}+\xi_{jt}\]
Define \(y_{ijt} \equiv 1\{i \text{ chose } j \text{ in } t\}\). I.e., \(y_{ijt}=1\) iff \(i\) choose \(j\) at \(t\); otherwise \(y_{ijt}=0\).
\[\sum_{\forall i,j,t} y_{ijt}\ln s_{jt}\]
\[ \sum_{\forall j,t}z_{jt} (\frac{\sum_{\forall i}y_{ijt}}{N_t} - s_{jt})=0\]
Discrete choice models predict choice probabilities rather than choices, because utility is always unobserved; hence nonstandard fit statistics
Predicted outcomes are inherently stochastic, so limited predictive ability
\[\rho=1-\frac{ln L(\hat\beta)}{ln L(0)}\]
As \(L(\hat\beta)\to 1\), \(ln L(\hat\beta)\to 0\), \(\rho\to 1\)
As \(ln L(\hat\beta)\to ln L(0)\), \(\rho\to 0\)
- Heuristic: 0.2-0.4 is pretty good
Hit Rate: % of individuals for whom most-probable choice was actually chosen
R-sq using prediction errors at the \(jt\) level
Microfounded, i.e. behavioral predictions are consistent with a clearly specified theory of consumer choice
- Economists widely believe that microfounded models are more generalizable than purely statistical models*
Extensions accommodate preference heterogeneity
- We'll cover 3 types of extensions when we cover heterogeneous demand modeling
Likelihood function is globally concave in the parameters, ensuring fast and reliable estimation
Assuming \(\epsilon_{ijt}\sim\)i.i.d.\(EV_1(0,1)\) is convenient but unrealistic
- Alternatives exist but can be computationally expensive
Analyst selects the choice set \(J\), market size \(N_t\), attributes \(x_{jt}\), and price structure \(p_{jt}\).
- What's a j? What's a t? What's in x? How do we measure p? Who's in N?
Market share derivatives depend on market shares alone (IIA; see Train Sec. 3.6)
Price Endogeneity
- Affects all demand models
IIA is testable & usually rejected by data
3 common remedies:
Impose structure on choice set,
e.g. Nested Logit or Ordered Logit
Relax i.i.d. assumption, e.g. Multivariate Probit
Change model structure so IIA does not hold, e.g. heterogeneous logit
Fundamental issue: Demand model should be a causal relationship but prices are usually nonrandom. We have to distinguish correlation from causation
- Prices may covary with unobserved demand shifters, unmeasured product attributes or other missing variables
- Price endogeneity is a measurement problem, not a modelling problem
- Hard to verify empirically--needed data is missing--but widely believed important
\(\hat{\alpha}\) will be biased when prices depend on unmodeled demand factors (e.g., image, reliability). Implies wrong demand slope, biased demand predictions
Typically, bias will be toward zero (“too flat”), hence underestimating price sensitivity and overestimating price change
Affects all demand models, not just MNL
Common solutions: Experiments or quasi-experiments (Instrumental variables, regression discontinuities, natural experiments, dfce-in-dfce, synthetic control, double/debiased machine learning)
\(ln(s_{jt})-ln(s_{1t})=x_{jt}\beta-\alpha p_{jt}+\xi_{jt}\)
Valid instruments will (1) predict \(p_{jt}\) and (2) don’t predict \(\xi_{jt}\)
(1) is testable; (2) is not
Classic instruments are input prices
In general price endogeneity requires careful attention
- We set up our smartphone sales data with exogenous price variation in promotions, so this class will disregard it for simplicity
- Price endogeneity leads to biased demand slope, which could lead to biased price recommendation, which could lead to suboptimal outcomes
- Endogeneity is a major topic in graduate study