Customer Revenue

UCSD MGT 100 Week 09

Kenneth C. Wilbur and Dan Yavorsky

Let’s reflect

Importance of Customer Acquisition

  • Einav et al. (2021) analyzed all US Visa CC transaction data

    - >$1T spent in 32B transactions by 428MM cards at 1MM stores from 2016-19
    - Assume card~=customer 

\(\text{BrandRev.} = \sum spend \equiv \sum \frac{stores}{1} \frac{cards}{stores} \frac{transactions}{cards} \frac{spend}{transactions}\)

  • Research question: How well does each factor explain brand revenue?

  • Regressed log revenue on log RHS with merchant and year fixed effects

Customer Revenue Metrics

  • Market size: How many customers might purchase?
  • Diffusion: How does the served market change over time?
  • CLV: How profitable are customer relationships?

Market Size

  • Market size (\(N\)): # of people who might pay to address the core need in a given time period

    - Alternatively measured in $, units or volume
    - Noisy but helps inform potential returns to investments 
    - Typical investor's first question: How big is the market?
      $100B market is viewed differently than a $100MM market
    - How will you know if you got the right answer?
    - What happens if you overestimate market size?
  • “Marketing myopia:” Neglecting nontraditional competitors, e.g. Zoom v. Uber or Carnival v. Whistler

Market Size

  • 3 ways to estimate:
    • “Top Down” Total Addressable Market (TAM) :
      How many people have the core need?
    • “Bottom up” Served Available Market (TAM):
      How many people currently pay to solve the core need?
      • TAM=SAM+Unserved
    • Analyst estimates
  • Best practice: Use all three, triangulate, gauge sensitivity

Case study: US Mattress Market

  • USA population : ~340 million

  • Assumption : \(TAM\approx SAM\) (why? pros, cons?)

  • Assumption : Avg mattress lasts 7 years (pros, cons?)

  • Market size \(\approx\) 47.1 million people annually

  • Average mattress price : $283, across all bed sizes

  • Market size \(\approx\) $13.3B/year

  • Let’s check Grand View Research & ISPA

Diffusion curves

New Products by Year

Predicting Diffusion: Bass (1969)

  • \(M\) : Market size (we’ll estimate this)

  • \(t\) : Time periods

  • \(A(t)\) : Accumulated sales before time \(t\)

    - AKA "installed base"
    - A(0)=0 by assumption
  • \(\frac{dA(t)}{dt}\) : number of new adopters in time \(t\)

  • \(R(t)\) : Remaining customers who have yet to adopt, \(R(t)\equiv M-A(t)\)

  • Bass (1969) proposed:


  • \(p\) : “coefficient of innovation”

  • \(q\) : “coefficient of imitation”

    - p and q assumed constant

Estimating Bass model via NLLS


  • This is a first-order diffEQ with analytic solution


  • If you have sales data by time, you can use Nonlinear Least Squares to estimate \(p\), \(q\) and \(M\), i.e. choosing parameters to minimize square errors \((LHS-RHS)^2\)

Estimating Bass model via OLS

  • Or, notice that \(\frac{dA(t)}{dt}=pR(t)+q\frac{A(t)}{M}R(t)\) \(=p(M-A(t)) + q* \frac{A(t)}{M}(M-A(t))\) \(=pM + (q-p)A(t)-\frac{q}{M} A(t)^2\)

  • We can regress \(\frac{dA(t)}{dt}\) on a quadratic in installed base

    - Then recover p, q & M from the parameter estimates
    - We'll do both
  • Extensions: Multiple markets, hazard models,
    types of “influence”

Models:estimators aren’t 1:1?

  • Consider 3 OLS estimators:


\[min_\beta (Y-X\beta)'(Y-X\beta)\]

\[min_\beta [X'(Y-X\beta)]^2\]

"In theory, there's no difference between theory & practice. In practice, there is." 
Many models offer multiple estimators. Some models have no estimators
Subfield that studies estimators: "econometrics"

Inspired by epidemiology

Which new products will catch on?

Rogers’ ACCORD Framework (2003)

  • Diffusion depends on Relative Advantage, Perceived Complexity, Compatibility, Observability, Risk, Divisibility (aka “Trialability”)

    - Summarized 40 years of research, incredibly influential on practice 
    - Provided diagnostics to interpret Bass (1969)'s predictive analytics
    - E.g., a prototype could be evaluated on these 6 dimensions then modified
    - Early example of HARKing but likely useful

More explanations for diffusion curves

  • Heterogeneity might drive adoption timing

    - Adoption driven by consumer income, need or risk attitudes?
  • Markets typically evolve after introduction

    - Production becomes more efficient, prices and costs fall
    - New features, technology generations, safety improves 
    - Competitors enter and target unserved customers
    - Network effects, e.g. smartphone compatibility with chargers or accessories
    - Complementors, e.g. Verizon stores, iFixIt, Genius Bar
    - Consumer preferences, e.g. reliability matters more with time

Customer Lifetime Value

  • CLV is the most powerful customer analytics metric

    - Expresses the firm's value of an individual customer relationship as the net present value of expected future customer profits
    - Pioneered in catalogue retailers in the 1980s
    - Has spread widely, but not yet everywhere
    - CLV metrics enable quantification, and hence serious discussion, of <br>novel policies

CLV Example: Housing First

  • “In 2005, Utah set out to fix a problem that’s often thought of as unfixable: chronic homelessness. The state had almost 2,000 chronically homeless people. Most of them had mental-health or substance-abuse issues, or both. Utah started by just giving the homeless homes…
  • The cost of shelters, emergency-room visits, ambulances, police, and so on quickly piles up. Lloyd Pendleton, the director of Utah’s Homeless Task Force … said that the average chronically homeless person used to cost Salt Lake City more than $20,000/year. Putting someone into permanent housing costs the state just $8,000 [including case managers]…
  • Utah’s first pilot program placed 17 people in homes scattered around Salt Lake City, and after twenty-two months not one of them was back on the streets. In the years since, the number of Utah’s chronically homeless has fallen by 74%.”

Housing First: Looking deeper

  • Housing First has certainly not solved homelessness

    - "Chronic" means disabled and unhoused for 1+ yrs, or 4x in 3 yrs
    - ~28% of CA homelessness is chronic (2019)
    - UT originally claimed 90% reduction, then revised their metric definitions
    - Reliable efficacy metrics are rare    
    - Housing First has been implemented haphazardly
    - UT built new apartments. CA cities mostly use shelters, SROs, vouchers  
    - Key Q: Require wraparound services? E.g. Addiction treatment, etc
    - Key Q: Does Housing First somehow encourage homelessness?
  • I claim: Quantification enables bold policy shifts

    - U.S. HUD adopted Housing First as preferred approach to homelessness in 2014
    - CLV quantifies policy costs and benefits & enables ex-post evaluations
    - We then can use data to refine CLV estimates and policies

Calculating CLV

  • \(T\) : planning horizon
  • \(m_t\) : contribution margin of serving customer \(i\) in time \(t\)
  • \(r\) : retention probability that customer buys in \(t+1\)
  • \(i\) is the cost of capital
  • \(CLV=\sum_{t=0}^T\frac{m_t r^t}{(1+i)^t}\)
  • \(m_t\) and \(r\) observable in past data; future values are predictions

CLV Example

  • A tennis club charges an annual fee of $300
  • The average club member spends $100 a year at the club (concessions, etc.)
  • The average contribution margin on these additional expenditures is 60%
  • Historically, 80% of the members rejoin the club in any given year. The club’s cost of capital is 15%
  • What is the club’s CLV over a 1-year horizon?
  • What is the club’s avg. CLV over a 2-year horizon?
  • What is the club’s avg. CLV over a 3-year horizon?

Using CLV for Customer Acquisition

  • Marketing campaigns should be profitable if Avg. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) \(<\) CLV

    - Caveat: So long as acquired customers have CLV>=avg CLV of existing customers
    - Often, managers impose a "fudge factor" as a speedbump
  • Suppose the tennis club has a chance to pay $20k for a billboard. It will be seen by 100K people with an expected conversion rate of .1%. Should we do it?

  • Similar “break-even” calculations possible for

    - partnerships, opening new stores, price promotions, etc. Anything that requires an upfront outlay to potentially acquire new customers, increase current customer retention, or develop current customer spending

CLV Metrics in Practice

  • CLV popularity rose alongside CRM data systems

    - e.g. Oracle, SAP, Salesforce
    - Services and retailers used CLV to set customer experiences: high-CLV flyers got upgraded, high-CLV lodgers got better rooms, high-CLV shoppers got sterling return service and attention, high-CLV callers got shorter wait times and more consideration
  • In the 00s, consulting firms published claims that 20-30% of customers were unprofitable. Many firms tried to “fire” unprofitable customers

    - American Express offered some cardholders $300 to cancel their cards. Best Buy stopped notifying some shoppers about upcoming promotions. Banks used minimum balances and teller fees to drive away some accountholders
  • Customers talk to each other; firing customers is a brand risk

CLV Cautions & Risks

  • CRM data may be incomplete, disconnected, error prone

    - E.g., can you connect customer identity across different credit card #s?
    - Think about measurement error in retention rate
  • CLV models are typically misspecified & uncertain

    - CLV-based policies may be self-fulfilling
    - Treat someone as unprofitable, they may act that way      
  • Guiding Principle

    - The firm and the customer share an interest in creating an optimum level of customer value. Using CLV metrics for value creation benefits everyone
    - The firm and the customer have opposing interests in price. Using CLV for margin extraction creates perverse incentives for customers
    - Customer dissatisfaction may reveal CLV flaws; requires careful attention
    - Hence many firms now measure point-of-sale satisfaction

  - Suppose you tutor a high school student for $250/month. There is a 10% chance the student will move and find a new tutor in any given month. There are six months remaining in the school year, at which point the tutoring arrangement will definitely end. 

  - What missing information do you need to calculate the current value of the tutoring arrangement?

Class script

  • Let’s estimate the Bass model

Wrapping up


  • Let’s take a look


  • Customer acquisitions best predict revenues
  • Market size estimates how many people share a core need
  • Diffusion models predict how served market changes
  • CLV metrics can quantify and enable novel policies

Going further