"Let us read and let us dance--two amusements that will never do any harm to the world." -Voltaire
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Disclosures of potentially competing interests
Litigation consulting: Expertise, constraints & experience
About: Bio, CV, disclosures, external links
Price Promotions, Beneficiary Framing, and Mental Accounting
Designing Distributed Ledger Technologies, like Blockchain, for Advertising Markets
Proxies for Legal Firearm Prevalence
How Viewer Tuning, Presence and Attention Respond to Ad Content and Predict Brand Search Lift
Do Firearm Markets Comply with Firearm Restrictions? How the Massachusetts Assault Weapons Ban Enforcement Notice Changed Registered Firearm Sales
Inefficiencies in Digital Advertising Markets
Temporal Distance and Price Elasticity: Empirical Investigation of the Cruise Industry
Divergent Temporal Courses for Liking vs. Wanting in Response to Persuasion
Lead Offer Spillovers
Advertising and Brand Attitudes: Evidence from 575 Brands over Five Years
Immediate Responses of Online Brand Search and Price Search to TV Ads
Using Big Data and Algorithms to Determine the Effect of Geographically Targeted Advertising on Voting Intention
Dynamic Quality Ladder Model Predictions in Nonrandom Holdout Samples
Effects of TV Advertising on Keyword Search
Recent Developments in Mass Media: Digitization and Multitasking
Should Ad Spending Increase or Decrease prior to a Product Recall Announcement?
Television Advertising and Online Shopping
Advertising Content and Television Advertising Avoidance
Price Advertising by Manufacturers and Dealers
Television Advertising and Online Search
Distribution and Market Share
Structural Models of Complementary Choices
Market-Based Measures of Viewpoint Diversity
Correcting Audience Externalities in Television Advertising
Local Media Ownership and Media Quality
The Effectiveness of Post-Release Movie Advertising
Hybrid Advertising Auctions
Empirical Models of Manufacturer-Retailer Interaction: A Review and Agenda for Future Research
Click Fraud
How the Digital Video Recorder Changes Traditional Television Advertising
A Two-Sided, Empirical Model of Television Advertising and Viewing Markets
Peer-reviewed publications
Quantitative Marketing and Economics (2023) with
Geoff Fisher,
Matt McGranaghan, and
Jura Liaukonyte
Replication materials
International Journal of Research in Marketing (2023) with
Mingyu Joo,
Seung Hyun Kim,
Anindya Ghose
Quantitative Marketing and Economics (2022) with Jessica Jumee Kim
Replication materials
Marketing Science (2022) with
Matt McGranaghan and
Jura Liaukonyte
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (2022) with
Meenakshi Balakrishna
Replication materials: Data and estimation code
Journal of Marketing (2021) with
Brett Gordon,
Kinshuk Jerath,
Zsolt Katona,
Sridhar Narayanan, and
Jiwoong Shin
Published comment by
UK Competition and Markets Authority staff
Published comment by the
Chief Brand Officer at P&G
Presentation version from the
JM Webinar for Marketing Professionals
Management Science (2020) with
Mingyu Joo and
Dinesh Gauri
Emotion (2020) with
Mingyu Joo and
Wendy Liu
Marketing Science (2019) with
Matt McGranaghan,
Jura Liaukonyte and
Geoff Fisher
Quantitative Marketing and Economics (2019) with
Mingyu Joo and
Rex Yuxing Du
Journal of Marketing (2019) with
Rex Yuxing Du and
Linli Xu
Political Communication (2019) with
Tobias Konitzer,
Shawndra Hill, and
David Rothschild
Management Science (2018)
Linli Xu and
Jorge Silva-Risso
International Journal of Research in Marketing (2016)
Mingyu Joo and
Yi Zhu
Handbook of Media Economics (2016)
Journal of Marketing (2015)
Haibing Gao,
Jinhong Xie and
Qi Wang
Marketing Science (2015)
Jura Liaukonyte and
Thales Teixeira
Finalist, John D. C. Little award for best marketing paper published in Management Science or Marketing Science Finalist, Don Morrison Long-Term Impact award for most impactful marketing paper in Management Science or Marketing Science
Journal of Media Economics (2015)
Management Science (2014)
Linli Xu,
S. Siddarth and
Jorge Silva-Risso.
Management Science (2014)
Mingyu Joo,
Bo Cowgill and
Yi Zhu
Winner, John D. C. Little award for best marketing paper published in Management Science or Marketing Science Finalist, Frank M. Bass award for best marketing paper derived from a Ph.D. thesis in Management Science or Marketing Science Finalist, Don Morrison Long-Term Impact award for most impactful marketing paper in Management Science or Marketing Science
Journal of Retailing (2014)
with Paul Farris
Marketing Letters (2014) with many coauthors
Information Economics and Policy (2013)
Adam Rennhoff
Marketing Science (2013)
Linli Xu and
David Kempe
Information Economics and Policy (2012)
Adam Rennhoff
International Journal of Advertising (2011)
Adam Rennhoff
Marketing Science (2011)
Yi Zhu
Marketing Letters (2010) with many coauthors
Marketing Science (2009) with
Yi Zhu
Journal of Advertising (2008)
Marketing Science (2008)
Winner, Frank M. Bass award for best marketing paper derived from a Ph.D. thesis in Management Science or Marketing Science Finalist, John D. C. Little award for best marketing paper published in Management Science or Marketing Science Finalist, Long-Term Impact Award for a paper that is viewed to have made a long-term impact on the field of marketing
Platform Pricing Algorithms: Examples, Fundamental Challenges, Potential Solutions
Welfare Considerations in Online Advertising Markets
Charting the Future of Marketing Mix Modeling Best Practices
Editorial: Next Steps for Frontiers in Marketing Science
Shorter invited publications
Handbook on Digital Platforms (2025) with Kanishka Misra
Competition Policy International (2023)
MSI Blue Ribbon Panel Report (2023) with Neeraj Arora, Ron Berman, Elea Feit, Dominique Hanssens, Alice Li, Mitchell Lovett, Carl F. Mela, John Lynch, Jr.
Marketing Science (2022) with Anocha Aribarg, Tat Chan, Preyas S. Desai, Lan Luo, Nitin Mehta, Upender Subramanian, Olivier Toubia
Online Gambling Policy Effects on Tax Revenue and Irresponsible Gambling
Gratuities in a Digital Services Marketplace
Did Recent Platform Mergers Reduce Competition? Descriptive Retrospective Analyses of 6 Platform Mergers
There's No 'I' in 'Team': Estimating NBA Players' Offensive Production
A Parsimonious Structural Model of Individual Demand for Multiple Related Goods
Effects of Advertising and Product Placement on Television Audiences
Working papers
with Wayne J. Taylor
and Daniel Minh McCarthy
with Seung Hyun Kim
and On Amir
with Daniel Minh McCarthy
Older working papers
Xinlei (Jack) Chen and
Yuxin Chen
Andres Musalem and
Patricio del Sol
Michelle Goeree and
Geert Ridder
UCSD MGT 100 Customer Analytics (2024)
UCSD MGTA 451 Intro to Marketing Analytics (2024)
Ph.D. class:
New Empirical Research on Advertising (2015)
Ph.D. class:
Advanced Quantitative Methods in Marketing (2008)
Teaching materials
2-minute read:
Reasons to get or not get a Ph.D.
10-minute read:
Choosing a field, subfield and Ph.D. program
Note: I am not actively seeking new advisees. UCSD Rady has a wonderful Ph.D. program, but I recommend not applying for the specific purpose of working with me.
5 minute read: A few brief writing tips
I help to organize the Workshop on Platform Analytics. Talks are archived on youtube.
Good online seminars:
Ariel Rubinstein's colorful advice for "lost" graduate students
Here is a huge collection of advice for Economics Graduate Students; read cautiously
For aspiring scholars
Virtual Quant Marketing Seminar
European Quant Marketing Seminar
Virtual Digital Economy Seminar
Online seminar on the Economics of Platforms
Online Causal Inference Seminar
kennethcwilbur, atsymbol, gmail, com
Or, kcwilbur, atsymbol, ucsd, edu
Or text 127260^2+251936
9500 Gilman Drive, Box 0553
San Diego, CA 92093 USA