Prepared by Kenneth C. Wilbur and Dan Yavorsky
Notes to students:
For students who consider registering : Tap to expand
1. Please read the course introduction in the syllabus, and peruse last year's course materials for more background.
2. Our course assumes a working familiarity with probability, inferential statistics, and R. You might be better prepared for MGT 100 if you take Econ 120B, but this is not required and will not be assumed.
3. We do not process manual enrollments, as it may be unfair to students who are waiting in the regular channels. Please contact the Rady undergraduate team if you have an unusual need:
4. Two things are helpful prior to our first meeting: read the syllabus carefully, and practice R and tidyverse. We recommend sections 1-5 here and sections 2-10 here.
5. We will post 2025 revisions to all course materials as they become available. All required materials will be provided here.
6. We look forward to meeting you soon!
Class Slides, R Scripts and Class Videos: The links below provide the latest versions of all class content.
Study Groups and Grades: Available on
Asynchronous communication: Piazza--linked from Canvas--for all student questions, comments, requests, etc. After class or office hours are for discussions. Please, no student emails or Canvas messages.
Navigation Guide : Tap to expand
Week 1: Customer Data and Visualization
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 2: Customer & Product Attributes
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 3: Demand Modeling
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 4: Midterm 1
Week 5: Heterogeneous Demand Modeling
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 6: Pricing & Optimal Pricing
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 7: Branding
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 8: Midterm 2
Week 9: Market Size & Customer Lifetime Value
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 10: Marketing+Finance
Slides |
No R Script & No Homework |
Class Video
Materials linked below are from 2024.
2024 Syllabus | Data | Past Exams |
Week 1: Customer Data Visualization
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video-Part 1 Slides |
Class Video-Part 2 Script
Week 2: Customer Attributes
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 3: Product Attributes
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 4: Demand Modeling: Multinomial Logit
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 5: Midterm
No slides, script or video
Week 6: Demand Modeling: Heterogeneous Logit
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 7: Pricing & Optimal Pricing
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 8: Branding
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 9: Market Size & Customer Lifetime Value
Slides |
R Script |
Class Video
Week 10: Marketing+Finance
Slides |
No R Script & No Homework |
Class Video
1. We are public employees, so we like to make our work products publicly accessible when possible.
2. We want as many people as possible to be as good at analytics as possible. We hope that sharing these materials could encourage that.
3. We hope our materials could help other teachers in their analytics course designs. The github repository contains
.qmd Quarto source files to modify presentation pages. We invite others to remix or extend these materials.
Please share any revisions or corrections back with us, so we can consider incorporating them with attribution into our next iteration.
Why do we share these class materials? Tap to expand